
game night 04.23.08

The Game: 400 point teams, maximum of 6 clix on a team. Normal starting positions.

The Map: A flat map with lots of blocking terrain pieces.

The Teams:

Jeff: It is Young Avengers meets, errmmm, X-23 and Devil Dinosaur! Stature, Wiccan, Patriot, Devil Dinosaur, X-23.

Chris: The Teen Titan teams have been popular in our game nights as of late. Chris adds a few other teens to the team with Atom Eve and Stargirl. Speedy, Atom Eve, Robin, Stargirl, Kid Flash, and Jericho.

Adam: What a shiny team. Adam played a Metal Men team (plus Captain Atom), and they looked very cool together! Lead and Tin, Iron, Gold, Captain Atom, and Mercury.

Dan: Summoning forth my fond memories of role-playing games (I miss having the time to play those) I went with a D&D classes and races theme for my team. Nightcrawler (elf), Puck (dwarf), Abra Kadabra (Wizard, Sorcerer, etc.), Valkyrie (barbarian), Shining Knight (paladin), Green Arrow (monk).

This ended up being a pretty good game. Unfortunately it ran late, and we had to quit before a winner could be determined. At the end, Chris and I were more or less finished so it would have come down to Adam or Jeff. All the blocking terrain made it quite different than the usual game map we play.

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