
game night 04.09.08

Just another straight up 400 point game.

The Map:

The Teams:

Adam: Look out, it is a team of Teen Titans from then and now! Robin, Kid Flash, Speedy, Wonder Girl.

Chris: Some heavy hitters here with Darkseid and Granny Goodness. Scary stuff.

Jeff: Run for it Marty, it's the Libyans! Jeff's team was comprised of time travelers/people who can alter time. Dr. Strange, Bishop, Bouncing Boy, Scarlet Witch, Rip Hunter.

Dan: I'm horrible at making theme teams on the fly. I tried to do a female Disney characters team, but it kinda fell apart. Sage, Namorita (Ariel), Star Sapphire, Liberty Bell (Belle), Mirage (Pocahontas).

The highlight of the night had to be the utter beatdown of Darkseid by the Teen Titans over the course of 3 turns. It was nasty. I almost felt bad for Darkseid. Almost. Adam ended up taking this game after defeating Darkseid and Granny Goodness. Jeff and I had reduced each other's teams to shambles, so once Adam moved on to us there was little we could do except watch all the KO's fly.

The mighty Lord of Apokolips is not so mighty when squaring off against teen angst.

Never trust men with mullets and bright red boots. They're ca-razy.

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