
wednesday game night 04.11.07

*Click for more information on Heroclix*

The Game: The standard Heroclix game of 400 point teams.

The Map: We've been playing a lot of 2-D maps lately. This time it was the new map from the BRPD Heroclix set that just came out. Lots of water on this map, which means you'll need some fliers, leap/climbers, phasers or swimmers on your team to really get around without the water slowing you down.

The Teams:

Adam: Ugh, what moron took that shot? FOCUS! FOCUS! I have got to figure out how to take good pictures at Chris's place. Anyways, Adam used the letters of his last name to build a team. Each character's name started with a letter from his last name. Iceman (R), Tigra (R), Wildcat (R), Havok (V), Sandman (U), Elektra (V?), and Ray (V).

Jeff: Less than one month until Spider-man 3. I think Jeff is anxious for the movie because he made a Spider-man 3 team: Sandman (V), Black Cat (E), Black Suit Spider-man (E), Spider-man (E), and Venom (V).

Me: Michael Moore would be proud...my team featured clix with guns. Lots of guns.... Deadpool (V), Kang (E), Spymaster (V), Shield Agent (V), Black Widow (V), and Sage/Tessa (E).

Chris: Another team where I missed what the theme was. Chris, you'll have to post a comment saying what the theme was, if any. For now I'll say it is the "Bat Outta Hell, Boy" team. Man-bat (E), Kabuki (E), Destiny (R), Witchblade (R), Hellboy (U, or V?), Solomon Grundy (E), Liz Sherman (V), and Man-bat (E).

Game Highlights

Attack Rolls & Damage: (I'm starting to have cumulative stats on damage as well as rolls, so the total will start with this game and the last one)

Average Roll: 6.97
Number of Rolls: 34
Number of Hits: 30
Hit Percentage: 88%
Damage Dealt (after reducers): 64 clicks
Average Hit % (2 games): 77%
Damage Dealt (2 games): 80 clicks
Average Roll (2 games): 7.20

Average Roll: 7
Number of Rolls: 6
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 50%
Damage Dealt (after reducers): 9 clicks
Average Hit % (2 games): 36%
Damage Dealt (2 games): 21 clicks
Average Roll (2 games): 6.65

Average Roll: 7.8
Number of Rolls: 20
Number of Hits: 14
Hit Percentage: 70%
Damage Dealt (after reducers): 31 clicks
Average Hit % (2 games): 60%
Damage Dealt (2 games): 39 clicks
Average Roll (2 games): 7.71

Average Roll: 7.55
Number of Rolls: 9
Number of Hits: 4
Hit Percentage: 44%
Damage Dealt (after reducers): 8 clicks
Average Hit % (2 games): 47%
Damage Dealt (2 games): 18 clicks
Average Roll (2 games): 7.33

Turn Order: Adam, Jeff, Dan, Chris

First Hit: My Black Widow pops Sandman up close and personal for 2 clicks of damage.

Critical Hits: none

Critical Misses: 2. I rolled a crit miss when I had my Shield Agent push to hit Jeff's Black Suit Spider-man. Ouch 1 click damage to myself for pushing, then 1 more for the crit miss! Adam rolled the other one with an attempt by Iceman to put out the fire of Liz Sherman.

Most Damage in a Single Attack: This was a tie between Adam, Chris and I. Adam had two instances of doing 4 damage. One was a nasty blast from Havok on Man-bat for 4 damage and the KO. The other was Havok again, but this time on Witchblade. Chris had some payback when Hellboy laid the smack down on Adam's Tigra for 4 damage. I also did and attack for 4 damage, but I forgot to write it down. Some statistician. D'oh!

Craziest/Gutsiest Move of the Night: This goes to Chris playing against crazy odds on one of his turn. Hellboy was trying a ranged attack on Adam's Havok. He had to hit a 19 defense. It was a long shot, but possible. Chris rolled a 3.... Not content with the odds, Chris then has Liz Sherman attack Havok from range (19 defense still). This was an even more unlikely chance to hit, due to her lower attack value. Lo and behold Chris rolls a 10! For a MISS! I laughed. It was funny. Good times...

Favorite Team: Adam is on quite the streak when it comes to the favorite team of the night category. I would vote for myself, but that just doesn't seem right. I liked the creative use of using letters from his last name to build a team. That is something I never would have thought of. I usually have to build my team in advance. Otherwise I would spend all night trying to come up with a team (partly because I agonize over the team building).

Successful Super Senses Rolling: Jeff wins it this game, as usual. His uncanny knack for using super senses to avoid attacks is amazing (and annoying if you are trying to hit him). This game he was successful on 3 super senses rolls.

M.V.C.: The most valuable clix of the game has to be the Ray (V). Adam was tearing it up with that figure. He just seems really versatile with hypersonic speed, 10 range, ranged combat expert, and 2 clicks of mid dial regeneration, among other things.

Summary: It basically became 2 separate games for the first half of the night. Jeff and I duking it out on one end of the map. Adam and Chris on the other side. The large amounts of water played a part in keeping the teams separated. I was rolling pretty high most of the night, so Jeff's team eventually fell to my gun toting team. I then began to move my team over to were Adam was fighting Chris. By the time I go into position Adam had most of Chris's team KO'd except for a few guys. My main problem was my own piece: Kang. He has a great attack value through out his dial which means he is more or less guaranteed to hit whatever he attacks. The problem though, is he only has one click of a move/attack power (running shot). This was not good when it came time to try to catch Adam's Ray. I would move close enough to Ray to be able to shoot, but I would have to rest. By the time I could attack, Ray was long gone. Adam's Sandman was also a big nuisance (I like that piece though). In the end I had to take drastic measures and push alot. Once when I finally hit Ray, all I did was put him on his Regen click. Next round he was back to full health. It was over after that. It was a good game. It was really long though. I think Adam and I didn't get done until about 12:15 a.m.

One thing I noticed with stats is they are skewed quite a bit by how long you stay in the game. Jeff was the first player out of the game. When you look at the number of attack rolls he (or Chris) made compared to Adam and I ( the last two playing) it is quite a big difference. I don't know that there is any way to reflect that in the stat keeping though. Just one of those variables that isn't reflected in the game stats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it particularly interesting, here, that my average roll is much lower than the leader, but my hit percent was much better. It almost certainly has to do with the rapidly-declining defense stats of most of Chris' guys, and the nice Attack values of mine.

Of course, your point about those who stay in longer having different statistics surely played a role as well.

And for the curious, my name is Withers.

Elektra (Critical Mass LE)

I was quite pleased with myself when I thought of that one, but finding pieces to fit the theme and the build total was really tricky.