
wednesday game night 03.28.07

*Click for more information on Heroclix*

The Game: Another Heroclix 400 point teams game, but this time with a slight twist. After playing for 1 hour we each rolled a dice to randomly select one of our clix to remove from the game. We were trying to play a fast game because we wanted enough time to watch a movie.

The Map: This game featured a building-heavy map along with some semi trucks. Fliers and clix with the leap/climb power were a must to move around on this map.

The Teams:

Chris: Chris had a team made up of I believe "elemental forces." I might be off on that though, I kinda missed his explanation. Hey, the new Wizard magazine came out all right, lay off... Anyway, his team was made up of water - Hydro Man (R), weather - Storm (V), darkness? - Shade (V), ice - Iceman (V), fire - Magma (R), umm, either gamma radiation or RAGE!! - Hulk (U), and the speed force - Kid Flash (V).

Adam: Taste the rainbow...A very cool looking team. Adam went with a "candy" theme team made up of all colored translucent clix. Wonderman (E), Iceman (E), John Stewart Green Lantern (E), Human Torch (E), and Ray (E).

Jeff: I also kinda missed what Jeff's theme was if he had one for his team. I'll just make up a theme right now instead. Jeff's theme team was "Beat Down on Dan", which he did most of the game. D'oh! Atom (V), Batman (an LE or promo fig), Nightwing (E), Supergirl (R), and Robin (R).

Me: I went with a "Cape-Wearing Clix" theme team. Superman (U), Batman (R), Vision (E), Robin (E), Batgirl (R), and Nighthawk (V).

Game Summary:

Attack Rolls & Damage:

Average Roll: 7.125
Number of Attempts: 8
Number of Hits: 4
Hit Percentage: 50%
Cumulative Hit % (2 games): 41%
Damage Dealt (after reducers): 10 clicks

Average Roll: 7.44
Number of Attempts: 9
Number of Hits: 6
Hit Percentage: 67%
Cumulative Hit % (2 games): 68%
Damage Dealt (after reducers): 16 clicks

Average Roll: 6.31
Number of Attempts: 13
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 23%
Cumulative Hit % (2 games): 44%
Damage Dealt (after reducers): 12 clicks

Average Roll: 7.62
Number of Attempts: 8
Number of Hits: 4
Hit Percentage: 50%
Cumulative Hit % (2 games): 54%
Damage Dealt (after reducers): 8 clicks

Turn Order: Chris, Adam, Jeff, Me

9:30 a Character Dies:
Chris: Storm (full health)
Adam: Wonderman (full health)
Jeff: Supergirl (maybe 1/4 health)
Dan: Vision (full health) Ugh, he was the main part of my team, and I didn't even get to use him for a single attack!

First Hit: Jeff - Supergirl charges in on my Batgirl for 4 damage and a KO.

Critical Hits: none

Critical Misses: none

Most Damage with a Single Attack: Tie between Adam and Chris. Adam demolished my Batman very early on. I forgot about Green Lanterns TK (duh), but I'll remember now. GL TKs Wonderman, who then charges in and crushes Batman with a heavy object for 6 damage and the KO. Late in the Game, Chris unleashes Hulk on GL for a nasty 6 damage with a heavy object and KO.

Favorite Team: Adam's candy team is just too clever not to be favorite team of the night.

Game Highlights: This was a really fast game. We didn't even play to the end since we had to cut it short to watch a movie. Things were going pretty quickly so I didn't write down all of my usual game summary categories. Basically Jeff and I were duking it out. Adam was flying in from the rooftops to take shots on all of us. Chris was moving in towards Jeff and I, but them he launched Hulk on Adam for most of the game. Jeff had most of my team tied up with his Supergirl and Batman. He had Nightwing, Robin and Atom outside the fight shooting in on my team too. Nightwing would usually outwit some defensive power of mine then make a ranged attack with Atom perplexing up the attack roll or damage. It was pretty effective, when he hit. which wasn't much. For some reason he could not seem to hit my Nighthawk. Adam was wearing us down with his ranged combat, but Chris tied up 3 of Adam's team by moving Hulk up on the roof with them. We stopped shortly after about the 2nd hour into the game. If I had to guess I would say Chris might have won. He had quite a few of his team left and a pissed off Hulk!


Anonymous said...

Hulk smash the rainbow!

Anonymous said...

I'd say it was a pretty clear win for Chris. He had most of his team left, including Shade at full health (with his Mystics feedback!) and a seriously PO'ed Hulk. None of my guys could hurt Hulk except maybe Ray, and you and Jeff were whittled down to the walking wounded.

Chris would've won in a walk if we'd finished.