
Model cars, oh no!

I've suddenly found myself somewhat into cars again. I blame the video game Forza Motorsport 2 and my new TV. As always with me, if I'm into cars then model cars aren't far behind! Someday I'll maybe buy a "real" sporty car. The problem is mechanic work and me generally don't mix. That's another post all together.

Notice the Tic-Tac block sander, which is the limit of my engineering abilities.

So I'm putting my model-making skills to the test. I dusted off a model ('67 Shelby GT 350) I got for Christmas back in high school/college. Opening the box, I remember I kinda suck at building models. As a kid there was always a point where the pieces wouldn't fit together just right. Every model I can think of ended with Dad salvaging my mess and creating a masterpiece.

Hopefully I'm a little more patient and crafty this time around. Expect progress posts. Crash and burn? We'll see...

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I hear ya. My Batmoblie never quite looked as cool as the one on the box- or my aerial dogfighting plane hung with fishing wire above my bed.

I tried my hand at custom action figure making. Let's just say my Beast (previously an AOA Wolverine) ended up looking like a sweaty po'ed cookie monster with rabbies. Only now, several years later do I try it again- this time creating a Fantastic Four Valeria a.k.a "Marvel Girl" using a Marvel Legends ummm.....Marvel Girl and pieces I've chopped with an x-acto from an old Marvel Legends Dr. Doom. It's shaping up to look not too bad...pics soon on my blog!