
game night 06.18.08

A three team Heroclix game, as Adam and Comfort were not present(busy with The Uniques comic, conventions, etc.) We decided on a 400 point game of random placement. No map picture - it was the standard 2-3 buildings and hills.


Jeff played a bug team bent on not being squashed.

Ant Man, Spider-Man, Blue Beetle, Blue Beetle, Spider-Woman, Spider-Man, Ambush Bug

Chris had a different mix of Teen Titans besides the usual Titans team.

Speedy, Raven, Tempest, Jericho, Kid Flash

I used an X-men team from the Days of Future Past storyline (minus Magneto).

Colossus, Storm, Colonel Logan, The Hound (Phoenix), Shadowcat

I had a sneaking suspicion that my Rachel Grey/Summers/Phoenix/Hound clix sucked for 130 points. Maybe I didn't play her correctly, but e-gads, what crap for the point cost. It was anyone's game for most of the night, but it finally came down to Jeff vs. Chris. It became a lengthy roll off with Chris using Kid Flash to hit Jeff's Ant Man with an 18 defense. After many rounds of rolling (including a nice crit miss by Jeff to lower Ant Man's defense) Chris was finally victorious with a hypersonic KO punch!

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