
game night 02.13.08

The Game: Regular 400 point game, except at the start of the game each person placed a smaller map tile from the upcoming Crisis DC heroclix set. We added the tank as a separate play piece, but it ended up not playing a factor in the game

The Map: Take a look

The Teams:

Adam: Adam had a nice fire and ice theme going with Ice, Fire, Iceman, White Queen and Human Torch

Chris: Chris had some sort of theme, but I don't remember what it was...just kidding! I usually forget Chris's themes much to his chagrin, but this time I remember his theme is "Black Attack" (black costumed characters)! Merlin, Donna Troy/Troia, Black Cat, Batman, Dr. Mid-Nite, Hulkling, and Black Tom.

Jeff: I really need to pick up that Legion action set...Jeff, puts his to good use with this Legion of Superheros theme team. Cosmic Boy, Phantom Girl, Bouncing Boy, Timber Wolf, Dream Girl, and Ultra Boy.

Dan: I played a team made up of "C" and "D" listers, although you could argue that most of them are "D" listers. The Hood, Living Laser, U.S. Agent, The Creeper, Gargoyle, and Copperhead.

It ended up being a pretty good game, with the majority of the fighting split between Chris and Adam, and Jeff and I. We had to wrap it up early because it was late (that sounds funny) so no clear winner emerged.

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