wednesday game night 02.28.07
Finally made it to game night again after a couple weeks of missing out. I firmly believe a mid-week game night to be healthy for the "workin' man" (Girlfriends/wives take note). A good way to let off stress and have some laughs. It makes working Wednesday and Thursday much more tolerable.
Pictures are smaller this time, but just click on them for a bigger image. Sorry, like you haven't figured that out by now, you tech-savvy person you. I forgot to take notes this time. That's probably a good thing, because last time my recap was way too long. I'm going to say right up front that I flat out had a terrible game. Let me explain:
The Game: Straight up vanilla heroclix game. 400 point teams. If you don't know what all this heroclix talk means, but you want to know, click here.
![]() Chris: This team featured Invincible. It was a teen heroes team made up of Invincible, Atom Eve, Kid Flash(Veteran), Robin(Experienced), Spider-man(Rookie), and Raven(Rookie). |
![]() Jeff: Following on the heels of Marvel's wrap up of Civil War is Jeff's Civil War Whores. Iron Man(Rookie) Thor/Clor(Rookie), Mr. Fantastic(Veteran), Tigra(Experienced), Songbird(Experienced). |
Game Summary: There isn't a whole lot to say. This is due to the fact that I got beat down before I really had a chance to do anything. I was out of it so fast I really lost my focus in the game.
I ended up going third. Starting third is usually pretty good because two people have already moved. This makes it easier to figure where you should go to set up a nice attack or avoid one. I must have made the wrong decision. Before I knew it my toughest guys (Drax and Captain Marvel) took quite a few clicks of damage from all the other players. It was up to Jubilee... The Civil Whores team took up residence on a nearby rooftop shooting down on me while Chris's team rushed right in on me from the other side. Adam quietly moved his team into the middle of the board for some long range bombardments.

A couple rounds later I was all but over. It was just a matter of mopping me up. After I was gone the real battle began. It was probably a pretty good fight, but I started to zone out. You see, the Ninja Turtles 3 movie was playing in the background and as much as I didn't want to watch it, I was. Oh the horror *shudder*. Having bad movies in the background is a staple of Wednesday game night. It give you something to watch, but it isn't interesting enough to distract you from the game. I left shortly after, since I was getting sleepy. I got the scoop on who ended up winning, but now I can't remember who it was. It was either Jeff or Chris. Sorry guys. Next time expect a better highlight reel. I promise.
This probably all sounds like I'm a sore loser. I'm not. Ok, maybe I was a teeny bit pissed at first just because I felt so helpless. Just part of the game though. When you are playing a four player heroclix game, the odds of consistently winning are next to none. Unless you are Adam :) For me, I really get the most fun out of picking my team to play. I probably could have given a better summary of what happened with the other players if I had taken notes. Gotta remember that next time.
Here's a preview for next week's Wednesday game night: Jeff's place to play one of the plethora (vocab word of the day!) of new board games he has recently acquired. Stay tuned!
1 comment:
Cool pics. :)
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