
Random Music Videos

I'm not a huge music video person. I don't have VH1, MTV, MTV2, 3, 4 or however many stations MTV has now. Still I run across a few videos on the 'webz and here is what strikes my fancy. The videos themselves don't really matter, it is the music, the visual side of it is just a bonus.

As usual, my musical tastes are all over the place. You may hate country, you may hate rock, etc. There are some songs (or more than some in the case of country music) within each genre that I can't stand, so if your musical tastes are different for various reasons, I get it.

I'm With the Band by Little Big Town
This is a new song by LBT from their upcoming album. I like this song so much because it starts of slow with lots of nice harmonies, kicks it up for the middle of the song and then ends slow and quite again. It makes my ears smile!

Carrie by Europe
Wow. A great look back at rock when every band seemed to have a "monster ballad." The video speaks for itself - the hair, the shoulder pads....hard not to laugh. The music, especially the keyboard intro is a little cheesy, but Joey Tempest could sing. I much prefer the vocals of '80 glam/metal/arena rock like this compared to today's "cookie monster" vocalists. The range some of these guys had was nuts. Maybe I'm just getting old...

Heroes by Shinedown
Speaking of nu-metal/cookie monster vocals, one newer "metal" band that has a great singer is Shinedown. This is about the heaviest music I will listen too. Anything heavier than this, for me, becomes more about how \m/ metal \m/ can you get and less about melody, harmony, etc.

Original Fire by Audioslave (Chris Cornell)
The song itself is pretty standard fare, but I really like this video because it is just Chris Cornell on an acoustic guitar. Since it is so stripped down I really focus on his voice a lot more. Man, if I could sing like that...

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