
Video Games

Well I finally took the plunge and picked up an Xbox360.

*Skip this paragraph to avoid nerd talk*
I ended up getting the elite version (ooh, black) instead of the "regular" 360. Apparently with the current batch of 360s made in July '07 they fixed the overheating issues that plagued the older ones. Alas, all the models I found were made in June '06 though, so I bought the Elite (June '07), which at least has the added heatsinks. Hopefully I am safe from overheating.

I'm sure my blog posts will be very minimal as a result. Or altogether non existent. I'll probably cut my posts down to short game night reviews, quick video game posts and drop the other kinds of posts I would do. Unless I get really bored.

I went about 2 and a half years without a game system but I'm back into the old habit again. Yes, video games are my addiction - my crack.I got rid of my original Xbox because I felt I needed to be more "productive" with my time. You know, learn some skills and become good at something I can use to further myself in some way. Looking back over the past 2 years, I never really became any more "productive" than when I played video games. Which either means I'm extremely lazy or I don't have very much free time. Or both.

I picked up Forza Motorsport 2 for my first game. Very fun if you like the racing simulation gameplay. It is not an arcade style racing game. Steep learning curve, but very satisfying when you get better. The graphics are so-so for a next gen game. I personally think they are good. The focus is definitely on the game play with Forza 2. It also has a very cool "paint booth" where you can customize your vehicles. It is insane the designs people have come up with.

Now I just have to figure out how to get a phone line in the basement and a nice 42" HD TV. *drool*


Chris said...

What... can't you edit your blog from an XBox 360?

You have to at least put up Jeff's Doom Castle Game Photos.

Joel Swagman said...

I hope this doesn't mean an end to the comic books of your youth series

Dave Driggs said...

Show how good are you REALLY with forza2? ;) Ultra jealous of the HDMI goodness.

DRM said...

Forza 2...I'm not very good on some tracks. I'm at driver level 21. Still can't get online, so no multiplayer races yet. Still trying to decide on controller set ups. Right now I'm using right analog as gas & brake, but then I have no free look control, which I imagine is vital to not pissing people off in multiplayer. Oh well, we'll see.

Looking forward to a Halo 3 LAN night.